“Sending love to everyone who is trying to heal from the things they do not discuss.”

You got cut off in traffic…. he can’t pay his car note.

You found a wrinkle on your face…..she’s recovering from a double mastectomy.

Your husband didn’t do the dishes…..her husband’s having an affair.

That co-worker doesn’t pull her weight….. the man in the grocery line has to tell his wife he lost his job.

The baby kept you up last night…..she’s tried to conceive for years.

Your parents live far away…. her parents passed away.

That group of ladies didn’t invite you….. she’s new in town and has no friends.

You haven’t had date night in weeks…. her husband is deployed for six months.

Your teenager is disrespectful …. their teenager ran away.

Give thanks. And love those who need it right now.

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